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AACC is here for the entire community and we encourage Anne Arundel County residents to use the campus and our outdoor recreational facilities. To lease facilities or plan an event, contact Event Services at 410-777-2614 or

Walking on Campus

Lower half of individual walking on a trail.

Nature Trail
Dividing the Arnold campus is the Earl S. Scott Nature Trail, which winds through a small tract of forest and runs along a stream. Pedestrian bridges provide dry passage over Dividing Creek and handrails offer safety along the trail’s steeper portions. The trails are available during daylight hours when the college is open.

Also during daylight hours while the college is open, you’re welcome to enjoy a walk or run around the Arnold campus. There are no designated paths for this, so be careful of both pedestrian and car traffic.

Athletic Fields

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Feel free to use AACC’s practice athletic fields when not in use by the college or outside organizations. These fields are not lit and must be used during daylight hours while the college is open. The lighted turf field is also available for the community to rent for tournaments, meets and practices when not in use by the college. To inquire about using these fields for sports team practice or tournaments, contact Event Services at 410-777-2614 or